Short stories about Betrayal

Do you ever wish things might have turned out differently in the past, or that we could know all those enticing titbits of hidden history? In all the short story collections I’ve participated in, I’ve always written on this theme.

So in the two previous posts about short stories, we’ve looked at alternative outcomes to […]

Being a contributor: historical short story collections

You write a novel, say 80-90,000 words. It goes through a writing and editing process, acquires a cover, gets published and marketed. And hopefully, the money starts trickling in, at least to cover the cost of production and possibly some additional revenue. Shocking fact: 95% of writers don’t make a lot of money.

So why, […]

So, alternate history?

Dawn with pine trees and ruins in silhouette - the dawn of time?

Time or alternate time?

What if the Nazis had won the Second World War (Fatherland – Robert Harris, The Man in the High Castle – Philip K Dick) or England had remained Catholic (Pavane – Keith Roberts, The Alteration – Kingsley Amis) or if Alaska rather than Israel had become the Jewish homeland […]