‘Captain Carina Mitela?’

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Who is this?’

‘Custodes XI Station. An emergency token with your code has been handed in. We’re holding the presenter.’


I dropped everything and headed for the tunnel connecting our headquarters to the police station. The duty sergeant, with a typical cop’s bland expression but […]

A way out for Carina. Or is it? - An excerpt

Carina banner

Carina Mitela is a young Praetorian officer in Roma Nova and she’s messed up big time. The problem is that she’s married to her boss, Conrad – awkward, to say the least. Now he’s offering her a chance to redeem herself. Will she take it?

Outside Conrad’s door I dithered, summoning […]

INCEPTIO excerpt: A revelation for our heroine

CPBC Book of the Year Gold Medal

[Conradus Mitelus, Roma Nova ‘government employee’ speaks to Karen/Carina]

‘There’s something I must ask you,’ Conrad said, his expression serious now. ‘It’s why I was in Washington. What do you know about your family? I mean, your mother’s family.’

‘What’s that to you? Do you know them?’

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