A taster of INCEPTIO: A revelation for our heroine

[Conradus Mitelus, Roma Nova ‘government employee’ speaks to Karen/Carina]

‘There’s something I must ask you,’ Conrad said, his expression serious now. ‘It’s why I was in Washington. What do you know about your family? I mean, your mother’s family.’

‘What’s that to you? Do you know […]

So what's this 'Roma Nova' about?

It’s about books. No, it’s about stories of people, their aspirations, their dilemmas, their loves and their adventures. It’s about sacrifice, passion and loyalty, about betrayal, power-hunger and redemption. And it takes the imagination on one of the most intriguing ‘what if’ stories ever…

Roma Nova is an imaginary country (except in […]

“Let me entertain you” with Double Pursuit

I write because I want to entertain and intrigue people. I love telling a story and doing puzzles. Today, I’ve published my eleventh fiction book.

That’s enough about me!

But I do hope you find Double Pursuit entertaining. It isn’t the ‘Great British Novel’ although I hope it’s a bit more than a fluffy wham-bang […]