Heroines' journeys - Not always physical ones


As readers, we like to see our main character progress in some way. She or he doesn’t need to save the world, make a grand marriage with a duke or make a groundbreaking journey into space. But their story does need a resolution. It could be acceptance, it could be a move somewhere else, it […]

Building Roma Nova – Part 1

Triumphal arch, Roma Nova (Author photo)

When I began writing the adventures of Karen/Carina, readers became very interested in Roma Nova and its people; some wanted to visit and others wanted to sign up to live there! I thought I’d share some of the questions they’ve asked…

Why does the heroine change name? Carina is Karen’s real name. Her mother, who […]

Changing a book cover and admitting your mistake – CARINA: a case study

CARINA seems to be a fidgety type, just like her namesake main character and has just gone through a transformation similar to the one our heroine goes through in her first story, INCEPTIO.

In 2019, I decided that the Roma Nova series needed a make-over as the prominent eagle motif had been around since […]