Roma Nova's Wikipedia page

Could this be the first paragraph of Roma Nova’s Wikipedia entry?


Of course, it’s a spoof. Coming clean, I had to suddenly write it as an introduction to a recent guest post. But it was fun. Wikipedia has a particular style and not just the way it’s set out on the screen. […]

The chaotic order of the Roma Nova series

During a recent lively digital chat with cozy mystery author Debbie Young challenged me to list the Roma Nova stories in chronological order according to events and in the order they were written.

As you may know, these sequences do not line up! I asked her if it was really necessary, […]

EXSILIUM has been on tour

Even though I’ve been writing and publishing for nearly fourteen years, I’m still touched by the generosity, friendliness and willingness to collaborate of the writing community. Writing might be considered a solo task, but it’s not. Launching a book certainly isn’t.

So here I want to publicly thank all those who have helped me […]