Could this be the first paragraph of Roma Nova’s Wikipedia entry?
Of course, it’s a spoof. Coming clean, I had to suddenly write it as an introduction to a recent guest post. But it was fun. Wikipedia has a particular style and not just the way it’s set out on the screen. […]
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All writers sneak a look at their reviews – we are so human (Not sure I completely believe those who say they don’t 😉 ) Looking at INSURRECTIO’s, I was struck by this one: “Although I enjoyed the first three, IV and V are disappointing; particularly this one. Because they are ‘backstory’, I already knew […]
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Destruction, Thomas Cole, 1836
Good question!
It’s about characters under pressure, their failings and struggles. Strong, sincere characters like Aurelia Mitela, although worldly wise, think that everybody has good intentions and are ready to do their best. This may seem naive; they consequently become frustrated and angry when things turn out differently. Those […]
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