In October, I was interviewed by the regional press La Nouvelle République. As soon as I received the email from the reporter, I dashed into town to grab a paper copy.
Now I expected an eighth page at the bottom of the page. I’m an English author writing in English , even though I’ve lived […]
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Preparing to march on York!
Hooray! Last weekend, after all the doubts about it happening, the festival celebrating Roman York was back. Romans everywhere, including a march through the city, kids staring goggle-eyed, adults fascinated by weapons, surveying, dyeing, medical practice, letter writing, cooking – all in the Roman way. And the sun […]
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I was delighted to receive the quarterly jewel, the Historical Novel Review, May 2016 edition, published by the Historical Novel Society. Even more delighted as my writing friend Judith Starkston had written a terrific article about ancient world themed historical fiction.
She asked several authors for contributions – Maggie Anton, Geraldine Brooks, Gary Corby, Ruth […]
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