Preparing to march on York!
Hooray! Last weekend, after all the doubts about it happening, the festival celebrating Roman York was back. Romans everywhere, including a march through the city, kids staring goggle-eyed, adults fascinated by weapons, surveying, dyeing, medical practice, letter writing, cooking – all in the Roman way. And the sun […]
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I’ve been in York this weekend for the Eboracum Roman Festival. I’ll be blogging about that next but on the Friday before I indulged in some historical tourism and visited the Yorkshire Museum.
Eboracum was a fort in the Roman province of Britannia and, at its height, the largest town in northern Britain. The site […]
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Yes, it’s the time of year the Romans invade York. Along with the governor of Britannia and the mighty marching men of six legions (escaping from their humdrum 21st century lives) come a load of riff-raff and camp followers including a bunch of scribblers.
But the good news is that these are nine of […]
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