Legion - Life in the Roman Army

It’s that exhibition that Roman enthusiasts are clamouring to see.

The British Museum is rather good at themed exhibitions; the Nero one was terrific as were those featuring Pompeii, the Celts and the World of Stonehenge. When ‘Legion – Life in the Roman Army’ was first announced in the members’ newsletter, I wept bitter […]

Colchester Roman Festival - wind and all

Lindsey Davis, Alison Morton, Ruth Downie

Yes, they let us back to the second Roman festival in Colchester (Camulodonum for Romans) on 29 and 30 July.

The ‘old crowd of authors – Simon Turney (S J A Turney), Ruth Downie, Alex Gough, Harry Sidebottom, L J Trafford, Mary Jarratt, Robin Price and I from last year were enhanced by historian, […]

Going Roman in Eboracum 2023

The Roman authors! Left to right: Nancy Jardine, Graham Sumner, Jacquie Rogers, Simon Elliot, Jason Monaghan, LJ Trafford, Alison Morton Ruth Downie, Kate Cunningham, Simon(SJA) Turney (Photo courtesy of Tracey Turney)

What a fantastic weekend! Despite the rain on the Saturday, the atmosphere among the authors and reenactors was warm at the Eborcum […]