You have to know history before you can 'alternate' it

Roma Novan heroines, ancient and modern

To write alternative history with authenticity, it’s helpful to be as well-versed and researched as an author writing a more conventional historical novel.

Let me unpick that… Alternate (or alternative) history is based on the premise that the standard timeline diverged at a certain point and followed […]

Meet Aurelia Mitela – warrior, diplomat, spy

The three ages of Aurelia

Aurelia Mitela, archetype Roma Novan, came to life when I was writing the first Roma Nova book, INCEPTIO. Then, she was the clever, experienced grandmother of Carina, the book’s heroine. But she had secrets behind her contained exterior. By the time I was halfway drafting SUCCESSIO, I was […]

JULIA PRIMA gets a top notch accolade from the HNS!

The Historical Novel Society has just released its batch of new reviews and JULIA PRIMA has not only been given a stonking review (“stunning“!), but also selected as Editors’ Choice!

It’s a pleasure to have your book reviewed in the Historical Novels Review – a sign that the reviewers enjoyed your […]