Completely unexpected, but thrilling news – two Roma Nova books have been given a gold medal each in the much esteemed Coffee Pot Book Club Book of the Year awards for historical fiction.
Even I was rendered speechless for at least five minutes. This book club focuses on historical fiction across all sub-genres: JULIA PRIMA […]
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The Historical Novel Society has just released its batch of new reviews and JULIA PRIMA has not only been given a stonking review (“stunning“!), but also selected as Editors’ Choice!
It’s a pleasure to have your book reviewed in the Historical Novels Review – a sign that the reviewers enjoyed your […]
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The Book Readers Appreciation Group (B.R.A.G.) are a tough lot. When my first book, INCEPTIO, went forward in September 2013 for their consideration, they were rejecting 90% of submissions.
Luckily, I didn’t know that at the time or I might have been a GREAT deal more nervous. But Carina would have told me to ‘gather […]
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