Completely unexpected, but thrilling news – two Roma Nova books have been given a gold medal each in the much esteemed Coffee Pot Book Club Book of the Year awards for historical fiction.
Even I was rendered speechless for at least five minutes. This book club focuses on historical fiction across all sub-genres: JULIA PRIMA […]
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Yes, it’s ten years since INCEPTIO burst into the world. For some full-on nostalgia, here’s what happened in 2013 when it launched at Tunbridge Wells Waterstones with broadcaster SueCook speaking.
Ten years is a long time for a book. Many don’t make it into bookshops at all. Some only survive there for six weeks. The […]
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If you fancy reading what happened next to Mel/Mélisende, you might like to highlight 19 October in your diary. That’s publication date for Double Pursuit. (Yay!)
Of course, you could always pre-order the ebook at this very moment. 😉 Ebook: Amazon Kobo B&N Nook Apple or even the paperback: Barnes & Noble UPDATE October […]
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