JULIA PRIMA is out today!

And here’s where you can see more…

Readers have urged me to tell the foundation story of Roma Nova. this meant jumping on a time machine and going back to the 4th century. (Channelling H G Wells…)

Not really, but it meant writing standard, straight historical fiction. And I loved it!

I burble on […]

JULIA PRIMA – Two excerpts

From the Prologue – Siro, a tribesman from across the Danube border speaks…

Crossing the river at night Credit: Photosampler

The tips of the oars paddle the water softly at each stroke. Rain obscures our passage as we cross the fast-flowing river. In the dark night, the only things I see […]

JULIA PRIMA - cover reveal!

Opening the email from cover designer Jessica Bell is exciting. But the moment I click to open the image file itself brings feelings of joy, fear, anticipation and hope. When it opens on the screen, I am enveloped in wonder and admiration. There’s the heroine. There’s her determination, her own fear, her courage.

Here is […]