The next Mélisende thriller is on its way!

Confession time… I’ve been so absorbed in writing that I’ve neglected this blog. That’s a tad unsatisfactory. However, I have been entertaining some fascinating ‘writers abroad’ on my writing blog. I included myself but all the links are there to writers in Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden who use their transferred homeland for inspiration.

Of course, […]

Mel and the French Army

Mel/Mélisende is a sergent-chef in the French Armée de Terre (land forces), equivalent to junior warrant officer in the UK forces. She chose to join as a direct entrant at the non-commissioned officer (NCO) level at 18. She could have gone to the officer training school at Saint-Cyr, but she had itchy feet after leaving […]

Double Identity launches!

Today’s the day! Although I’ve launched nine fiction books before, all in the Roma Nova thriller series, this tenth one feels different.

I know the world of Roma Nova inside out (and there’s another book in draft), but the new Mélisende series is set in the real world. Well, as real world as any fictional […]