Who were the Roman cops?

Modern Roman cops – Carabiniere (Author photo)

Thinking about police, gendarmes and emergency services in the past few days brought me to the law enforcers of Ancient Rome. Faced with terrorist attack (or riot, revolt and rebellion), they would have been robust in their attitude and actions. So who policed Rome?

Vigiles as […]

Clearing up confusion about the Roma Nova series...

Many moons ago, I wrote a book, then a sequel and what I thought was the third of a trilogy. Set in the ‘present’, they featured a young woman, Carina Mitela, who had been brought up for the first part of her life as Karen Brown in the Eastern United States. INCEPTIO gave us a […]

INCEPTIO goes on a blog tour in its new clothes!

INCEPTIO went off on a blog tour last week in its new cover and attracted a lot of attention as well as some detailed and thoughtful reviews. It’s such a pleasure opening the world of Roma Nova to new readers!

Do have a look at these bloggers – they are dedicated, probably voracious, readers […]