Our group of authors contributing to Historical Stories of Exile was delighted to receive this warm review from the Historical Novel Society.
I have to admit that I was particularly chuffed to see a special mention for my story ‘My Sister’ which features Marcellus Virus and his nightmare of a sister, Flavola, two characters […]
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Today, I’m celebrating a book of beautifully written, poignant, triumphant, sad and personal stories of exile. Some end well, some brim with determination, others have a sad end or are personally satisfying. All will leave you wanting for more. I certainly went straight to buying several full-length books by my fellow authors even when I’d […]
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It’s no longer a secret!
In late summer, I wrote a story. I know, I’m always writing stories, but this one was written during a heatwave, in between Roman festivals and while I was knee deep in my new novel.
I was invited to take part in a collaborative project called Historical Stories of EXILE […]
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