INCEPTIO goes on a blog tour in its new clothes!

INCEPTIO went off on a blog tour last week in its new cover and attracted a lot of attention as well as some detailed and thoughtful reviews. It’s such a pleasure opening the world of Roma Nova to new readers!

Do have a look at these bloggers – they are dedicated, probably voracious, readers […]

Who is Carina Mitela?

Carina, warrior, councillor and mother – purely some suggestions!

When you invent a character like Carina Mitela, you need to know who she is, where did she come from, what does she want, and fear? What’s stopping her? What does she like? What are her values? What are her strengths and weaknesses?

Carina […]

Double orange label – Thank you, Canada and Australia!

Okay, I admit it, this is a (slightly) bragging post, but I was thrilled when INCEPTIO hit the #1 Best Seller spot on the Australian and Canadian Amazon stores this weekend. And it didn’t do too badly in the UK one!

This ranking is much coveted by authors, but is often extremely ephemeral, so […]