Exile - what does it actually mean?

I expect we can all name a number of famous exiles without too much bother – Napoleon Bonaparte, Leon Trotsky, Benazir Bhutto, Roman poet Ovid, Marlene Dietrich, Aristotle, the von Trapp family, Albert Einstein, to name but a few.

Exile is essentially a separation from your homeland and can be temporary or permanent. Sometimes […]

Building Roma Nova – Part 1

Triumphal arch, Roma Nova (Author photo)

When I began writing the adventures of Karen/Carina, readers became very interested in Roma Nova and its people; some wanted to visit and others wanted to sign up to live there! I thought I’d share some of the questions they’ve asked…

Why does the heroine change name? Carina is Karen’s real name. Her mother, who […]

EXSILIUM cover reveal!

Here it is! I’m delighted with this cover by Jessica Bell Design for EXSILIUM, the sequel to JULIA PRIMA.

It’s always exciting talking through the cover concepts and considering the first ideas that Jessica produces. She always happy to work through any changes or adjustments, but also saves me from having mad ideas!