NEXUS starts in (Roman) London...

At the beginning of NEXUS, set in the 1970s in the alternative timeline of Roma Nova, Aurelia Mitela is filling in as interim London nuncia (ambassador). She has the connections, she knows how to navigate the diplomatic and political waters, she’s served in London before as political officer. The most dangerous thing is getting […]

All change at Roma Nova!


“I knew it was one of your books – you have such a strong brand.” This kind reader tweeted this a year ago and my little heart swelled. The gold futuristic eagle on a dark background had spread its wings everywhere.

Scroll back to 2013. Excited in the run-up to the publication of […]

ROMA NOVA EXTRA - Fame at last!

Jumping up and down with excitement!

Barnes & Noble (yes, them) are featuring ROMA NOVA EXTRA in their new releases promotion, B&N Press Presents. Okay, Bella André is on the first row of four and I’m on the sixth, but all the same…


And here it is!


So if you buy […]