NEXUS starts in (Roman) London...

At the beginning of NEXUS, set in the 1970s in the alternative timeline of Roma Nova, Aurelia Mitela is filling in as interim London nuncia (ambassador). She has the connections, she knows how to navigate the diplomatic and political waters, she’s served in London before as political officer. The most dangerous thing is getting […]

Day at the Museum

No, not the reverse of the Ben Stiller movie, but a completely self-indulgent day at the Museum of London which is where I took these photos.

Whenever I view Roman rooms/galleries anywhere, I’m always struck by just how much ‘stuff‘ the Romans left behind. Moreover, what we’ve unearthed was what people threw away, dropped, left […]

ROMA NOVA EXTRA singles are out!

Realising that not everybody wants a whole book of short stories, I’ve sent four of them out to the world as single short reads on Kindle. New readers might like to dip into Roma Nova this way, just to see what it’s about…

Originally published in the ROMA NOVA EXTRA collection, the individual stories […]