INCEPTIO 10th Anniversary hardback!

Yes, it’s ten years since INCEPTIO burst into the world. For some full-on nostalgia, here’s what happened in 2013 when it launched at Tunbridge Wells Waterstones with broadcaster SueCook speaking.

Ten years is a long time for a book. Many don’t make it into bookshops at all. Some only survive there for six weeks. The […]

Double Pursuit is on its way...

If you fancy reading what happened next to Mel/Mélisende, you might like to highlight 19 October in your diary. That’s publication date for Double Pursuit. (Yay!)

Of course, you could always pre-order the ebook at this very moment. 😉 Ebook: Amazon Kobo B&N Nook Apple or even the paperback: Barnes & Noble UPDATE October […]

A new look for Double Identity

With Double Pursuit, the sequel to Double Identity coming out in October, I asked Jessica Bell Design to tweak the cover of the first book to match the fabulous new design for Double Pursuit. That will be on this site very soon!

Mel has a strong personality, so I thought she should come out of […]