Guns n’ things in Roma Nova

This could be a tricky subject, but if your stories have spies, special forces, military and special police units with a robust Roman attitude, you are going to get weapons of one sort or another. Anything else would be unrealistic.

However, my books are about people, not a way of seeing […]

RETALIO is awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion!

Click on the image for much more

You see the subject line at the top of the email: “BRAG Medallion Award” You gnaw your nails.

You read the first line of the email: ‘We have completed the review process for your book “RETALIO” Oh, gods on Olympus! You gnaw your nails down to […]

RETALIO wins a 'Chill with a Book' Readers' Award

The most fearsome reviewers of your book are readers.

They are the ones who shell out their money and, more importantly, devote their precious reading hours to consuming your writing. And if they like your offering and give it a review, they have connected with and appreciated the random thoughts and wierdnesses that inhabit […]