You see the subject line at the top of the email:
“BRAG Medallion Award”
You gnaw your nails.
You read the first line of the email:
‘We have completed the review process for your book “RETALIO”
Oh, gods on Olympus!
You gnaw your nails down to the quick.
You read on:
“...and I am pleased to inform you that it has been selected to receive a B.R.A.G. Medallion.”
You kiss the computer screen and collapse back in your chain in relief. Then you pour out a large glass of bubbly, then a second.
More seriously, this is wonderful news. This is the toughest quality mark and award system I know for indie books; only 10% of books submitted make it to the award. Ten (yes, ten) readers have to give it their approval on the basis of title, cover, plot, characters, dialogue, writing style, chapters, copy editing, developmental editing and formatting. that’s one hell of a tall order.The ultimate question they have to answer: would they recommend it to their best friend? Think about that. If you gave your best friend a duff book recommendation there could be serious consequences for that relationship. That’s how sharp that risk is.
Oh, B.R.A.G.? It stands for Book Reader Appreciation Group, in case you wondered. I’ve always maintained that the readers are the final judges. In this case they truly are!
And I love the additional comment:
“Although I have not read the entire series, I did enjoy this book. I found the writing excellent and the characters and storyline well drawn. This creative account of fictional history is so believable that I had to remind myself it is made-up! It was full of action with a compelling story – I will go back now and read all of the series.”
Can’t really as for more, can you?
Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers INCEPTIO, PERFIDITAS, SUCCESSIO, AURELIA and INSURRECTIO. The sixth, RETALIO, came out in April 2017. Audiobooks now available for the first four of the series
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Congratulations Alison.
Thank you, Rosie. Deeply chuffed.