Double authors turn to crime

Off on tour! Well, a virtual one. And it’s a double one shared with renowned historical fiction writer, Helen Hollick!

So far, so normal… Or is it?

The backstory

You know me as the author of the Roma Nova thrillers featuring heroines Carina and Aurelia in four books each. Basically, what if an Ancient […]

Double Identity launches!

Today’s the day! Although I’ve launched nine fiction books before, all in the Roma Nova thriller series, this tenth one feels different.

I know the world of Roma Nova inside out (and there’s another book in draft), but the new Mélisende series is set in the real world. Well, as real world as any fictional […]

Double Identity excerpt

Mel shivered. A cold breeze drifted over her bare backside. Dieu, the window must be open. Stupid in late November in London. But windows had been the last things on Mel’s mind last night.

Still drugged with sleep, she stretched out her hand towards Gérard’s face. His eyes were closed, the lashes resting on his […]