Roma Nova on Jo Frances Penn's Books and Travel podcast

Travel is a wide concept. It doesn’t just mean trotting up the steps to a plane or sitting back looking out of a train window, or even visiting entrancing and exotic places.

Travel can be in the mind, across hundreds or possibly thousands of years, into other realities and mentalities, even into an alternative […]

Women as heroes – what if?

All fictional characters are, er, fictional. We borrow, mine, or lift characteristics from Real Life, but unless we want to get sued, the finally moulded form is a construct. We can gender mirror (I love using that expression – also made up), we can speculate, we can imagine.

Ditto the setting. Even if your thriller […]

1066 and all that has landed!

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1066 Turned Upside Down – a collection of stories by nine historical fiction writers – is now out! Now what does 1066 have to do with Roma Nova? Good question.

Suppose there had been a Roma Novan around trying to intervene in 1066 between Harold’s Saxon […]