Excerpt from Double Pursuit

Mel turned over in the bed trying to find a cool spot. Even the thin cotton sheet felt hot and heavy. Her skin was damp with light sweat; everywhere, especially in her groin and under her breasts. Rome in a heatwave was purgatory. Not so much the temperature – she’d experienced over 40°C every day […]

The next Mélisende thriller is on its way!

Confession time… I’ve been so absorbed in writing that I’ve neglected this blog. That’s a tad unsatisfactory. However, I have been entertaining some fascinating ‘writers abroad’ on my writing blog. I included myself but all the links are there to writers in Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden who use their transferred homeland for inspiration.

Of course, […]

Roma Nova is not forgotten!

I had a message from a Roma Nova fan in distress the other day. He’s bought Double Identity (for which I thanked him). He said he was enjoying it immensely, but he fervently hoped this new book didn’t mean Roma Nova had disappeared like the Roman Empire itself.

I reassured him – a new Roma […]