I’m known as a writer of alternative history thrillers featuring modern Praetorian heroines, Carina and Aurelia. That’s my “brand” and my deep interest. Not always a wise commercial decision, but these have been the stories I’ve itched to write.
But since JULIA PRIMA came out in August, I’ve been asked frequently what made me go […]
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As you’ve seen with the Roma Nova adventures, the whole idea of history taking an alternative path fascinates many people. I was delighted to be invited to join with a group of other authors a little while ago to explore that unique year in English history – 1066. Although there had been mingling of cultures […]
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I’m delighted to announce that I’ve been accepted into the Crime Writers’ Association. You can guess what its members do…
Ever since INCEPTIO, since Karen Brown was targeted, kidnapped and threatened, there has been crime running through the Roma Nova thrillers. Our heroine even served as a policewoman, or custos as they say in Roma […]
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