Who governs Roma Nova?

You may have gathered from the nine Roma Nova books that the small state has various bodies of government: head of state (imperatrix), upper house (senate), people’s assembly, local government (curia) offices, a legal system, a foreign ministry and other ministries, a strong diplomatic service, a central bank, army and police force (vigiles, later […]

Who is Carina Mitela?

Carina, warrior, councillor and mother – purely some suggestions!

When you invent a character like Carina Mitela, you need to know who she is, where did she come from, what does she want, and fear? What’s stopping her? What does she like? What are her values? What are her strengths and weaknesses?

Carina […]

Choosing the colours of book covers

It’s a well-worn statement, a cliché even, that it’s the book cover that sells the book.

I’d refine that a little. What a cover does first is grab a browser’s attention, nothing more. You’ve made them pause, even stop to investigate further. If they pick it up or click on its image, that’s a second […]