NEXUS starts in (Roman) London...

At the beginning of NEXUS, set in the 1970s in the alternative timeline of Roma Nova, Aurelia Mitela is filling in as interim London nuncia (ambassador). She has the connections, she knows how to navigate the diplomatic and political waters, she’s served in London before as political officer. The most dangerous thing is getting […]

NEXUS - The first chapter...


‘I’ve lost him, Aurelia.’

Harry Carter’s voice was low, toneless, but I could hear the despair in his restrained British voice. Given the time of day, he must have been calling from his panelled office at the British Foreign Ministry.

‘Are you absolutely sure?’ I said. ‘He could just be on […]

Arrival of NEXUS!

Yes, the author proofs of the NEXUS paperback have arrived! And they are looking good! Thank you, Ingram Spark/ Lightning Source.

I’m sending out advance copies to bloggers and reviewers at the moment, but I’ll be running a competition for signed giveaways during launch month 12-30th September.

And it’s just as exciting sliding your fingers […]