Roma Nova on Jo Frances Penn's Books and Travel podcast

Travel is a wide concept. It doesn’t just mean trotting up the steps to a plane or sitting back looking out of a train window, or even visiting entrancing and exotic places.

Travel can be in the mind, across hundreds or possibly thousands of years, into other realities and mentalities, even into an alternative […]

AURELIA on virtual tour!

AURELIA went off on a blog tour last week in its new cover and attracted a lot of attention as well as some detailed and thoughtful reviews. It’s such a pleasure opening the early episodes of the Roma Nova story to new readers!

Do have a look at these bloggers – they are dedicated, […]

Romans are gathering at Eboracum...

Yes, it’s the time of year the Romans invade York. Along with the governor of Britannia and the mighty marching men of six legions (escaping from their humdrum 21st century lives) come a load of riff-raff and camp followers including a bunch of scribblers.

But the good news is that these are seven of […]