Mel turned over in the bed trying to find a cool spot. Even the thin cotton sheet felt hot and heavy. Her skin was damp with light sweat; everywhere, especially in her groin and under her breasts. Rome in a heatwave was purgatory. Not so much the temperature – she’d experienced over 40°C every day […]
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I had a message from a Roma Nova fan in distress the other day. He’s bought Double Identity (for which I thanked him). He said he was enjoying it immensely, but he fervently hoped this new book didn’t mean Roma Nova had disappeared like the Roman Empire itself.
I reassured him – a new Roma […]
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Mel shivered. A cold breeze drifted over her bare backside. Dieu, the window must be open. Stupid in late November in London. But windows had been the last things on Mel’s mind last night.
Still drugged with sleep, she stretched out her hand towards Gérard’s face. His eyes were closed, the lashes resting on his […]
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