AURELIA awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion!

You know when there’s a 90% chance against, but you do succeed? Well, that. Book 4 in the Roma Nova series, AURELIA, has just been awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion.

The what? In the large sea of self/independently published work, there is a lot of flotsam and jetsam and, sadly, a good proportion of it that […]

The Historical Novel Society and Facebook

“Historical” and “Facebook” might sound like a conundrum, but they are intimately linked. Facebook launched its site in February 4, 2004. Historical novels have been going on for a little longer.

La Princesse de Clèves, published anonymously in March 1678 is considered the beginning of the modern tradition of the psychological novel in Europe, and […]

Why litfests are important

Signing for a reader

I was delighted and flattered when I received an invitation to speak at the Charroux LitFest here in deepest Poitou-Charentes in France. This is my home area, and being part of the inaugural year of a new litfest is thrilling. You see, I love conferences, book fairs, launches and […]