Roman dishwashing

Ancient Roman kitchen (Museum of London reconstruction) Author photo

Our dishwasher broke down this week and we think the culprit is the electronic control panel. The technician is calling today. (See updates at the end!)

Now washing and rinsing by hand – glass, cutlery, crockery, kitchen casseroles, pots and pans – provoked thoughts […]

EXSILIUM cover reveal!

Here it is! I’m delighted with this cover by Jessica Bell Design for EXSILIUM, the sequel to JULIA PRIMA.

It’s always exciting talking through the cover concepts and considering the first ideas that Jessica produces. She always happy to work through any changes or adjustments, but also saves me from having mad ideas!


An apology and light at the end of the tunnel – EXSILIUM

EXSILIUM coming soon

Underground tunnel in Naples

To my horror, I spotted that I hadn’t written a post since September. You have my apologies, my sincere ones.

But I have a good excuse. Well, I think it’s a good excuse. I’ve been in the last quarter of the 4th century (again!) but this time at the […]