Bored little Romans at home?

I haven’t written anything here on the Roma Nova blog about the current havoc wreaked across the world by Covid-19, the coronavirus. You can read a few of my thoughts here and here on my writing blog.

But as you probably know, Rome had its fair share of rampant disease not least the Antonine Plagues of the second century AD.

But here we are, ‘confined to barracks’. Imagine how Carina would like that! But she would comply. Perhaps she entertained her own little Romans at home with making these excellent models from Usborne books. I’ve made all three and they were great fun. I even made the amphitheatre as a prop for my book display at a conference a few years ago. (Just in view at the left and that’s NOT my Roman play helmet.)

You can order them direct from Usborne or Amazon. All you really need extra is a tube of paper glue….


Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers –  INCEPTIO,  PERFIDITAS,  SUCCESSIO,  AURELIA,  INSURRECTIO  and RETALIO.  CARINA, a novella, and ROMA NOVA EXTRA, a collection of short stories, are now available.  Audiobooks are available for four of the series. NEXUS, an Aurelia Mitela novella, is now out.

Download ‘Welcome to Roma Nova’, a FREE eBook, as a thank you gift when you sign up to Alison’s monthly email newsletter. You’ll also be first to know about Roma Nova news and book progress before everybody else, and take part in giveaways.

2 comments to Bored little Romans at home?

  • Juliet Smith

    As bad as the situation is, the death toll still isn’t as high as the bubonic plague, or even the Spanish Flu (aka. H1-N1). Plus, we don’t have a bunch of malnourished soldiers just coming home from a world war. Still, I don’t think it’s going to blow over as soon as some people think it will.

    • Alison

      We live in a very fortunate, connected world in comparison to some of times of past epidemics. The problem is that we are so used to moving about at will, even very long distances, so often don’t interact with our own localities as much a we should. There is a great deal to discover even a few kilometres from home. Saying that, I’m looking forward to leaving my bubble just for a quick stretch when it’s safe to do so.

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