Yesterday, I signed off this beautiful, beautiful cover for AURELIA, the fourth Roma Nova alternate history thriller. SilverWood Books have done it again! The sharp-eyed will see the new mosaic pattern in the inner shield echoed around the eagle itself. The silver lettering and eagle mark out a change: the next three books shift back in time, this first one to the late 1960s and feature a new heroine, Aurelia Mitela.
We first met her as a mature woman in INCEPTIO, then learnt a little more in PERFIDITAS, and her story became more urgent in SUCCESSIO as her granddaughter Carina struggled against an implacable enemy. Now it’s Aurelia’s time and on 5 May 2015 (publication day) we go back to 1968 Roma Nova when her story begins…
Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers, INCEPTIO, PERFIDITAS and SUCCESSIO. The fourth book, AURELIA, (this one!) is now out.
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Beautiful! Love the colour. My great-niece’s name is Aurelia, so I approve of the title, too! lol.
looking good
Thank you, Glynis and Charroux. SilverWood Books have some talented designers!
Another great cover -will download when it’s out.
Thanks, Fenella. The designer has been so clever in enhancing and changing the design, but reinforcing the underlying concept.
Lovely cover
Thanks, Clare.