As well as the London launch next Wednesday (4 June), I’m giving a talk at the Tunbridge Wells Library on 10 June at 7pm about writing the Roma Nova stories. SUCCESSIO, PERFIDITAS and the Roma Nova series starter, INCEPTIO may feature…

There’ll be wine before, and book signing afterwards with all three books.

I’d love […]

Publishing the Roman way...

Money-­making booksellers, exploited and impoverished authors, celebrity book launches and the danger of writing controversily. Sound familiar?

Although without the current technology of print-on-demand, digital publishing, even the lithographic or moveable type of not so long ago, the Roman world had a thriving publishing industry. Production was by teams of slaves (and some freedmen) […]

INCEPTIO - Pembury Library talk

Giving the audience the lowdown on INCEPTIO

When I was planning the launch of INCEPTIO at Waterstones in Tunbridge Wells, I was very keen to go and talk at my local library on the same trip.

I lived in Pembury for over 24 years and spent many happy hours in the library when […]