Although it seems ages ago, the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference was only a couple of weeks ago! It took place at the Harper Adams University, a renowned agricultural college near Telford, Shropshire – a beautiful setting, plus a light whiff from the animal areas! Needless to say, our meals had the shortest food mileage ever […]
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Today, I’m delighted to welcome Debbie Young as my guest. Author, journalist and blogger, she’s especially keen on short-form writing, such as flash fiction, short stories and blog posts. Commissioning editor of the Alliance of Independent Authors’ (ALLi’s) blog of self-publishing advice at, she has co-authored ALLi’s groundbreaking new book, “Opening Up To Indie […]
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ALLI authors meet up at the London Book Fair April 2014
Writing is a solitary thing – it’s you, the writing medium and hard graft alone together. Your imagination/brain/mind/muse and the pen or keyboard are it. Perhaps you have a writing buddy, known sometimes as a critique partner, or belong to a writers’ […]
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