My Kindle reader has become indispensable. Not only can I download books wherever I am (I have the 3G version), but it’s so easy to use. Slim enough to slip into a handbag, light enough not to cause heart failure when my suitcase is weighed at check-in.
But I’ve been worried about its susceptibility to damage, especially when travelling. I try to be careful with my gadgets, although the odd accident happens. (Let’s not refer more than once to the glass of red wine and my netbook keyboard…). On recent trips, I’ve wrapped the Kindle in a spare cloth bag, but that only protected it from dust and minor scratches. Now, I’m not intending to enter it for the Kindle-throwing championships or use it as something to prop up a wonky chair, but it needs some protection (Not in the Al Capone sense, you understand.).
I don’t necessarily want to hold it in my hand all the time I’m reading, so I looked for a combined cover and stand.
The choice, material and price ranges are enormous. Usual story – buy what is appropriate for your needs and pocket. I got my Tuff-luv padded cover/stand through Amazon itself, but the vendor has its own site with on-line shop. I especially like the secure, rather clever system for the stand using Velcro tabs, the full width hinge and the padding which protects without compromising the stylishness.
The red thing? Black is sophisticated, sure, but a little unconformity goes a long way…
Cute! I’ve been really impressed with strong the Kindle appears to be, it’s as tough as old (designer) boots!
I knew I was going to be using it when travelling so I looked for a really protective cover but also a stand. This padded one fitted my specification then and I’m more pleased than ever with it now.