My thanks to Henriette Gyland for awarding me a Liebster Blog Award (‘Liebster’ is German for ‘favourite’).
The rules of the Liebster Award are:
Thank your Liebster Blog Award nominator on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you; Answer the eleven questions from the nominator; List eleven random […]
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One of my dear friends, the British Airways first officer who helped me with the complex flight regulations over Washington DC, sadly cannot make it to the launch event at Waterstones Tunbridge Wells on 12 March, but says he’s looking forward to reading INCEPTIO.
He quipped at the end of his email: “So just what […]
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Mitchell and Webb’s portrayal of an author discussing his oeuvre with a literary agent. This was tweeted by Jonny Geller of the famous Curtis Brown agency .
Tears streamed down my face from beginning to end. Of depression? Or frustration? No, of laughter.
I hope.
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