The Domain of Soissons - a Roman remnant

The Roman Empire didn’t ‘fall’ in a cataclysmic event as the movies and TV would have you believe – it localised and eventually dissolved like chain mail fragmenting into separate links, giving way to rump states, local city states and petty kingdoms. New, dynamic and often warring nations emerged – Goths, Franks, Alamans and Burgundians.


Writing bootcamp at the Circle of Missé

Never having taken part in a creative writing course, I was excited, but a trifle anxious, when I was invited to join a ‘writing bootcamp’ at the Circle of Missé, a creative centre near my new home in France.

Lead by Annie Kirby, a renowned short-story writer who is also working on a full-length novel, […]

Bonjour la France!

On 26 May, we waved good-bye to the removal van, stuffed the poor cat into his travel cage and headed for the Tunnel. Nothing desperately exciting happened on the way, but we stumbled into the house on arrival, did the minimum and didn’t emerge until the following day.

The removal van arrives here in two […]