The Alternation of Rome

Triumphal arch, Roma Nova (Author photo)

Rome fascinates us, bewitches us even in the high tech 21st century.

It stretched for over 1229 years, it reached the heights (occasionally depths) of military achievement, produced the social, cultural and legal framework for the entire Western world, gave us its engineering genius and left us a richness in architecture, power politics, literature and […]

The Wonder of Rome

Coming soon! The Wonder of Rome blog hop

Over the weekend of 15-19 August, you will be able to visit eighteen sites displaying the wonder of Rome and trying to solve the mystery of why we are so attracted to a society that disappeared over 1600 years ago.

Or did it?

Come back here […]

INCEPTIO summer tour

STOP PRESS: Now you can vote for INCEPTIO in the Hall of Fame. The poll lasts until 1 September.


INCEPTIO is off on tour, this time over the summer. Here are the stop-offs and activities:

29th June – Book Feature at Peace from Pieces

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