“Renschman is a psycho villain” – what a lovely thing for a reviewer to say!

inceptio_front-cover_300dpi_520x802_enhancedbecauseYesterday, INCEPTIO went to Texas. Yes, Roma Nova 1 was the guest of Jamie at ‘Books and Beverages – because this girl loves books‘ who wrote a lively and incisive review. She said of yours truly: “she’s a natural storyteller and this fast-paced, suspense novel is the perfect example of that talent.

After I inserted my head into ice-water to reduce it to normal proportions, I read the rest of her review.  I was thrilled with this description of my heroine’s nemesis: “Plus Renschman is a psycho villain (like BRO CHILL OUT). I mean cray to the third power. But a good villain only makes the heroine that much better.

Couldn’t have put it better myself. 😉

Read the rest of Jamie’s review here


Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers, INCEPTIO, PERFIDITASSUCCESSIO and AURELIA. The fifth in the series, INSURRECTIO, was published in April 2016.

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