Sharing hordes of information treasure

Dashing around visiting sites/blog/articles, I sometimes forget to tell others about the hordes of treasure I find, so here are two articles on promoting your book that I’ve found or visited recently.

50 Simple Ways to Build Your Platform Christina Katz writes:

“Writing rules. Self-promotion drools. Isn’t this how most writers think?

But as long […]

Unlock your secret writing weapon: your memory

Writing a romance, thriller, historical, whodunit, sci-fi adventure? Whichever it is, it’s a depressing thought, but all the stories have been done before. There are only supposed to be seven plots:

man vs. nature man and woman/man man vs. society man vs. machines/technology man vs. the supernatural man vs. self man vs. God (‘man’ obviously […]

How Filofax kept me organised at the RNA Conference

Remember Filofax? Like many people in the 1980s, I toted a black, approx A5 sized leather folder which not only contained my diary, notes and address book, but also expenses sheets, stamp and card holders, to do lists, maps, vocabulary lists – in short, my life.

Came the electronic revolution, I waved it bye-bye. The […]